When it comes to making a statement for your personal or business needs, custom yard signs are a fantastic way to grab attention and convey your message effectively.


When it comes to making a statement for your personal or business needs, custom yard signs are a fantastic way to grab attention and convey your message effectively. These versatile outdoor signs can be used for a variety of purposes, from advertising a garage sale to promoting your business or supporting a political campaign. However, creating eye-catching yard signs that truly stand out requires more than just an idea – it involves a journey of design, materials, and strategic placement.

Develop Your Concept

You want your yard sign to stand out and be distinct– and that means working through your concept to develop consistent messaging and branding. Your yard sign begins with a concept, an idea that you want to bring to life. Whether it’s advertising a business, conveying real estate information, supporting a cause, celebrating an event, or simply adding some personality to your property, the design of your yard sign is crucial. Simplicity is key. You want your message to be easily readable from a distance, so avoid cluttered designs and excessive text. Choose a clear, concise message or a single focal point that you want to convey.

Your color choices are extremely important when creating a yard sign. Colors play a significant role in capturingYour yard sign begins with a concept, an idea that you want to bring to life. attention. Use contrasting colors that make your message pop. Consider the psychology of colors – for example, red can convey urgency or excitement, while blue may evoke trust and reliability. Green reads as eco-friendly and is associated with nature, so that may be a good color choice to advertise something like a lawncare business– but make sure that you have a contrasting background color, as green can blend into the yard.

Select fonts that are easy to read, even from a distance. Avoid overly decorative fonts that may distract from the message. Bold, simple fonts often work best for yard signs. If your yard sign requires graphics or imagery, make sure they are high-resolution and relevant to your message. A compelling visual element can enhance the overall impact of your sign.

Choose Materials

Custom yard sign printing is done on a variety of materials. The most common of these is corrugated plastic. This is also known as Coroplast. Coroplast is lightweight, which makes it easy to handle and install. It can withstand rain, snow, and direct sunlight without fading, and it’s highly cost-effective. Corrugated plastic accepts ink and printing well, allowing for vibrant graphics and text.

However, Coroplast isn’t ideal for long-term use. While it’s durable, Coroplast may not be the best choice for signs meant to last for many years. Corrugated plastic can become bent or warped over time, especially in windy conditions.

Another popular option is PVC. This type of plastic is even more resistant to water and UV rays and holds up better than Coroplast in extreme temperatures. PVC yard signs can last for many years, and while they can be more expensive than some other materials, their durability can offset the initial investment. Like Coroplast, PVC is a great medium for high-resolution graphics and text.

There are other custom yard sign material options, too, like foamcore or coated corrugated cardboard. These materials are inexpensive and may seem appealing from a budgetary perspective. However, these materials aren’t durable or weather-resistant, and while they might look nice for a little while, they will quickly fall apart. It’s better to invest in higher-quality material that won’t break down so quickly.

Printing Your Custom Yard Signs

Once you have a design, it’s time to get the printing process started. Working with a professional printing company to make your custom yard sign ensures high-quality results. They can offer a range of materials, printing techniques, and finishes to make your yard sign truly eye-catching. It’s a hassle-free option that guarantees a professional look.

A professional printing company can also help you make enough signs for your business needs. While some signs might be one-offs– for example, a yard sign advertising a yard sale– political signs, business advertisements, and other types of signs will require multiple copies for the greatest effectiveness. Whether it’s political signs, business advertisements, or any other type of signage, ensuring you have an adequate supply of well-crafted signs is essential for maximum impact and visibility.

Placing Your Custom Yard Signs

When you design a custom yard sign, remember that you are working with a highly visible, yet relatively small canvas.Strategic placement is essential to ensure that your custom yard signs have the best curb appeal and effectively convey their message. Placing yard signs in your front yard is a straightforward way to capture the attention of passersby. Ensure they are easily visible from the street, and consider using stakes or mounts to elevate them slightly for better visibility. If your property is set back from the road, consider placing signs closer to the roadside. Ensure they are secure and won’t obstruct traffic or create safety hazards. Placing signs at intersections within your neighborhood or near your business location can maximize visibility to both pedestrians and drivers.

When you design a custom yard sign, remember that you are working with a highly visible, yet relatively small canvas. Most yard signs are between 12 and 40 inches wide, and this limited space requires thoughtful design and concise messaging to ensure that your yard sign effectively communicates its intended message to passersby. The size is also important when considering your target audience. People walking by have the opportunity to stop and look at a smaller sign, but people driving by might not be able to stop.

Yard signs offer a unique opportunity to convey messages to a wide audience in a cost-effective and visually appealing way. They can be placed strategically in high-traffic areas, in front of your home, or along roadways to catch the eye of passersby. With the right design and placement, yard signs have the potential to create a lasting impression and drive desired actions. If you’re looking for custom yard signs in central Indiana, look no further than Spotlight Strategies. Time and again, our customers have returned to us for their custom sign needs because they know they will be met with professional, efficient delivery and lightning-fast turnaround times. Contact us today for a free quote and to get started with printing your own custom yard signs!



Erin Smith

Erin Smith is co-owner of Spotlight Strategies, a marketing solutions firm specializing in print, apparel, promotional product and signs.  An accomplished health care administrator turned business owner, Erin brings rare behavioral expertise to the world of small business.

With a Master’s degree in social work, and a thriving business she is a sought after advisor, coach and mentor to many of Indiana’s small business owners and support associations.  Erin demonstrates unwavering commitment and facilitates profitability to any organization to which she directs her time and talent, and is successful in motivating and empowering people whether supporting a cause or building a company.