The Benefits of Having Window Graphics for Your Store

76% of people have been convinced to enter a store just because of the store’s intriguing signage. With signage being such an influential part of a consumer’s choices, using window graphics for your business can have lasting positive effects. From a boost in brand awareness to less money leaving your wallet, window graphics may be the marketing answer you’ve been looking for.

Keep reading for a look at the reasons why investing in custom window graphics should be next on your business’s to-do list. window graphics

Increases Your Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is crucial to the success of your business. If people don’t know who you are, what you offer, or what you stand for, they’re not likely to become paying customers or clients.

Promoting business through custom window graphics shows passersby what your company is all about. They get to see visual representations of what you offer, as well as your name and logo, so this information becomes more solidified in their minds.

Takes Advantage of Space

When it comes to designing a store or office, taking advantage of space is essential so you make the most of what you have in a purposeful way. You don’t want your space feeling cramped, as this can be a turn-off to potential customers or clients.

Your storefront windows offer free space that’s just waiting to be put to good use. Adding window graphics won’t take up any additional room, and they won’t get in anyone’s way either (we’re looking at you, cardboard cutouts). It’ll give your business the colorful uplift it needs.

Doesn’t Require a License

Maybe you’re thinking, Why use window graphics when I could just put up a large sign in front of my store?

Well, the main reason is licensing. Putting up signs or billboards requires getting permission from your city or town to do so (not to mention all the fees associated). Installing graphics on your windows doesn’t require any permits or licenses since it’s your own space. This leaves you free to decorate your windows however you’d like without worrying about going through the proper channels.

Saves Money on Business Marketing

When you brainstorm marketing ideas, many on the list are likely going to cost you money. Not only that, but they require consistent payments if you want to keep them going, such as billboard advertisements or ads on benches. Even digital ad campaigns have costs that will add up.

When you choose to use window graphics as a form of company marketing, you’re investing in a one-time cost that will leave you with graphics you can use as long as you’d like. This ends up being much more cost-effective than many other forms of marketing out there.

Provides Security

Large windows are great, but sometimes you’re looking for a little more privacy for your business – especially if you work on special projects or meet with clients regularly.

Covering your windows in graphics is a great way to offer some privacy and security, so people passing by aren’t constantly staring at you through the windows. You, your employees, and your customers or clients will feel better knowing that business can be carried out in peace.

Plus, many window graphics services offer perforated window vinyl options so you can see out, but others can’t see in!

Updates Easily window graphics

Window graphics aren’t only cost-effective, but they’re easy to swap out as well.

From a quick and simple installation to an easy take-down process, window graphics can be updated whenever you’d like. This means that you can change your graphics often to keep up with seasonal trends.

Once the graphics are installed on the windows, they don’t need to be maintained. With such an effortless process from start to finish, why wouldn’t you opt for window graphics over other marketing options?

Boosts Foot Traffic

If you’ve ever walked by a store and stopped in front of it to look at something on the windows that captured your attention, you know how influential window graphics can be in drawing people in and making them curious about your store.

People are more likely to enter your business if there’s something on the windows that made them interested in coming inside to see what you’re all about. Investing in window graphics could be the foot traffic boost your business needs!

Helps Digital Marketing

Since you can put anything on your window graphics, why not put your social media accounts or website information on there?

Pairing an intriguing illustration or quote with your business’s digital information is a great way to encourage people to take action by navigating to your online accounts. Here they’ll be able to find out more about your business and maybe even purchase some of your products or offerings.

The graphics should include your website, but adding additional links such as your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok handle is an effective way to create interest as well.

Offers Unlimited Creativity

Window graphics don’t have to be limited to your business’s name and logo. Whether it’s optical illusions or enormous text, there are endless options when it comes to crafting the perfect window graphics design. Start brainstorming to figure out how you think your business could be best represented while also making people stop in awe when they see your display.

Find a professional and experienced company that can create the window graphics your company has dreamt of so you can get the business you deserve.

Invest in Custom Window Graphics From the Best

Now that you know how important great window graphics are to your business’s success, you’re ready to start thinking about what you want yours to look like.

At Spotlight Strategies, we can help you do it all. We’ll assist you in designing the perfect window graphics to make your business stand out against the competition.

And our help doesn’t have to stop there. We also offer signs and banners, printing services, and apparel options, among many other services. Let’s work together to make your business the best it can be.

Erin Smith

Erin Smith is co-owner of Spotlight Strategies, a marketing solutions firm specializing in print, apparel, promotional product and signs.  An accomplished health care administrator turned business owner, Erin brings rare behavioral expertise to the world of small business.

With a Master’s degree in social work, and a thriving business she is a sought after advisor, coach and mentor to many of Indiana’s small business owners and support associations.  Erin demonstrates unwavering commitment and facilitates profitability to any organization to which she directs her time and talent, and is successful in motivating and empowering people whether supporting a cause or building a company.